Just Jazz with Pop! is Charles & Graeme Sibirsky playing Jazz and Blues on Piano and Flute in the Garden in front of Slope Music, where you can sign up for private music lessons – jazz, classical, pop – on most instruments and voice, beginner through advanced jazz theory and interpretation. Scroll down for Time Stamps and a full description of this special event.
It was the first time they’d played outside of the house, since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. Graeme set up his phone and went Live on Facebook.
After some friends shared it as a “Watch Party” the event reached thousands of people, with no advance notice or promotion.

PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO THE SLOPE MUSIC YOUTUBE CHANNEL AS WELL! https://www.youtube.com/user/slopemusic?sub_confirmation=1
Now, for the first time, the footage is on youtube, so that more people can spend the day with us and this wonderful moment, father and son, one family’s engagement with the community, during the Covid-19 pandemic.
We decided to dedicate the performance to Frontline Essential Workers and halfway through the video you will see the residents of the block and passers by applauding, saluting and shouting praise to the essential workers, who usually get off a shift around 7pm. We all were pretty tense for months, losing loved ones, hospitals over capacity, watching the news of all the drama, in addition to protests of racial injustice going on throughout the city. (The next time we played outside was dedicated to this as well). This was our time to let off steam!
There is a lot of shouting, clapping, banging of metals cans and a neighbor’s kid was even blowing a plastic trumpet-like toy instrument, for several minutes. I kept that in to show the love the community showed to our fellow citizens who were on the frontlines, working to help us get through the Coronavirus Crisis.
Another thing added to the footage is all the beautiful comments and conversations going on throughout the Facebook Live event. Thank you to Guy “Wiseguy” Thomas and Lena Bloch for sharing the Live and I will be uploading another one we did, featuring Lena Bloch on saxophone as well. Please excuse the pixelation and wind and enjoy the music, sunshine the sounds of Brooklyn! Enjoy a great day with us!
Full Concert:
⏩ Just Jazz with Pop! (Graeme & Charles in the Garden) https://youtu.be/wIGLWdNYpLk
Related Videos:
⏩ 4 Ways To Honor Mom (During A Pandemic) 2020 https://youtu.be/jITYft02Xa4
⏩ Just Jazz with Pop: Pennies From Heaven (Charles & Graeme Sibirsky) https://youtu.be/H7ZLCZPfpYI
⏩ Just Jazz with Pop: All The Things You Are + Just Blues in F (Live!) https://youtu.be/0fgfpqd-v_E
⏩ Just Jazz with Pop! (Salute to Frontline Workers) [FULL] https://youtu.be/wIGLWdNYpLk
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