So did it help? Does it work? In parts 1 & 2 we discussed what ESS60 (from MyVitalC) can do for you, why I wanted to try it and now, after taking it every day for the past 30 days, I’m ready to let you know how I feel and if I think it helped me in any of the areas I discussed in part 2 (“Why I Am Taking MyVitalC?”).
This is Part 3 of my Health Talk on Cybersky Videos about MyVitalC, whose main ingredient is ESS60. In a study available at MyVitalC.com/baati-study, animals given ESS60 lived twice as long as those given the placebo. According to recent studies, ESS60 has the potential to double your lifespan and offers numerous health benefits. It is considered one of the Top 5 Antioxidants You Should Be Taking.
Delivered within an oil base which also has health benefits discussed in this video (it comes in Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Coconut Oil or Avocado Oil).
Since I started this series, MyVitalC has become a sponsor, supplying me with free product and a small payment ($20) for doing the review and giving my honest opinion. I accepted as this helps out with the costs of video production and also because I actually like the product and getting some for free is valuable to me.
I don’t want to give away the whole video, but the short answer is I have felt some positive effects since I have been taking MyVitalC. In this video you will learn which of the areas of my health I talked about having trouble in, in Parts 1 & 2, I feel MyVitalC helped me with and which it did not.
Check out “HEALTH TALK: ESS60 (MyVitalC) UNBOXING Pt 1 [2020]” where I unbox and explain what MyVitalC is and “HEALTH TALK: ESS60 (WHY I AM TAKING MyVitalC) PT 2 [2020]”, where I explain what health issues I am hoping the supplement has a positive effect on and take a dose from the 5ml Single Shot travel pack. _____________________________________________________________________________If you want to try MyVitalC for yourself, use the Link below for 20% Discount anytime and use the COUPON CODE for $15 off your first order. LINK: https://www.myvitalc.com/ref/125/
COUPON: CYBERSKY15 _____________________________________________________________________________Please Subscribe, Like and Comment on the videos to help the Youtube Algorithm!
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⏩ HEALTH TALK: ESS60 (WHY I AM TAKING MyVitalC) PT 2 [2020] https://youtu.be/LNYv5c6eQLg
⏩ HEALTH TALK: ESS60 (30 DAY TRIAL RESULTS) PT 3 [2020] https://youtu.be/qjJRizuHTkI If you’ve not already be sure to:
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#HealthTalk #ESS60 #MyVitalC #Cybersky #Unboxing